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Sustainable cewe photobook on a blanket Sustainable cewe photobook on a blanket

Sustainable, together

Discover how our eco friendly range is a sustainable choice for your photos.

Products made from 100% recycled materials

Created using environmentally-friendly digital printing with water-based ink

CEWE PHOTOBOOK with Recycled Paper

Wall Calendar with Recycled Paper

Recycled Paper Prints

Recycled Paper for Greeting Cards

Personalised Desk Calendar with Wooden Stand

FSC® certified products

Forest Stewardship Council® certification is the "gold standard" of principled production. All wood and paper used is produced from ethically managed forestry - socially responsible, environmentally conscious, and economically viable.


Photo Prints on Premium Paper

Canvas Prints

Premium Posters with Classic Paper

Wood Photo Prints

All Personalised Jigsaws

Photo Magnets

Personalised Photo Playing Cards

Personalised Faber-Castell Pencil Sets

Wooden Hanger for Calendars and Posters

Photo Snow Globes

Small Framed Print

Memory Box

Personalised Slipcase for CEWE PHOTOBOOK

Square Prints

Mini Prints

Retro Prints

Photo Postcards

Photo Advent Calendar with Collage Poster

Frequently asked questions

All products that have wood fibre content, such as paper, cardboard or wood, can be FSC® certified if they meet the right standards.

We recognise and accept this criticism. Nevertheless, the FSC® is the most demanding seal for paper and wood products and is still supported by major environmental protection organizations. Therefore, the FSC® certification of our products is the best we can do for sustainable forest management.

Plastic film is used to protect the product from damage. In this way, complaints are kept to a minimum. This leads to a reduction in the paper that would be consumed by reprinting a damaged order. We are looking for alternatives to replace the plastic packaging with a more environmentally friendly material.

There are various reasons for this. Occasionally, we have to use small quantities of materials that are not yet certified for some of our products. 100% of the materials used must be certified in order to display the FSC® seal. In other cases, we simply have to adapt our processes so that they comply with all new guidelines during the annual FSC® audit. We are working hard to achieve this.

We support a variety of environmental projects and have manaintained close working relationships with several partners to help us achieve our sustainability goals. Please see our sustainability reports for more information.

A CEWE PHOTOBOOK is built to last so that it can bring joy to multiple generations. It stands for long-lasting quality. Since 2016, we've supported the Kasigau Wildlife Corridor to offset all unavoidable emissions with a forest protection and reforestation project in Kenya. In addition, all CEWE PHOTOBOOK formats are FSC® certified.